The new Lead and Copper Rule Revisions

The new Lead and Copper Rule Revisions

The new Lead and Copper Rule Revisions (LCRR) require all Community Water Systems to develop an inventory of their service lines, (on both the public and private side of the meter), by October 16, 2024. LSPS Solutions, LLC is very pleased to be assisting the Cities of...
DB500 Mobile XL Dustless Blast Trailer

DB500 Mobile XL Dustless Blast Trailer

We are pleased to announce our new DB500 Mobile XL Dustless Blast Trailer to our fleet of mobile sandblasting and painting equipment. If you would like to discuss having your fire hydrants, exposed piping, fencing, gates, bollards, or entrances sandblasted, primed and...
Fire Hydrant Restoration

Fire Hydrant Restoration

One of the field services that we offer is mobile sandblasting and painting of fire hydrants. The “Before” and “After” photos shown above are from a project we are just completing for the City of Clute. If your fire hydrants or exposed piping could use a “facelift”,...
Smoke Testing

Smoke Testing

We performed Smoke Testing and Manhole Inspections on municipal sanitary sewer collection systems to identify sources of inflow/infiltration. We regularly provide deliverables for the project in a variety of formats including .pdf reports, Google Earth .kmz files, and...


We recently completed the second phase of Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs) for the City of Pflugerville. SOPs are important because they: consistency of work product(s). Improve communication. Reduce training hours and cost. Prevent the loss of institutional...

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